Applications for SFO UK Representatives are now open, check the link below to apply.
About the SFO UK Academic Representative Role
There are 2 posts as Academic Representative representing two different levels of training.
The first of these is the Foundation's Academic Representative. This is typically a Foundation doctor who is undertaking an academic foundation programme undertaking ENT research/project work.
The second of these is the Core Trainee Academic Representative who is ideally (but not necessarily) taking the Academic Clinical Fellowship (ACF) post as an ENT-run through.
Your role will be similar to the regional representatives (see description on the respective page) but focused on the academic ENT career path rather than any particular geographical locale. It will therefore cover trainees from around the country seeing questions about academic ENT. You are encouraged to organise events, talks, etc. with regards to the academic ENT as standalone or in conjunction with other ENT events/surgical events.
For more information please see the following; Job Description Academic FY or Job Description Academic CT .
What benefits can I expect as an SFO UK representative?
As per the regional representatives:
- Certificate or another formal letter of recognition for their contribution to a national society upon completion of their posts. This can serve as evidence of commitment to surgery/ENT and evidence of leadership and management skills.
- Supported development as a leader and manager. The committee will support you throughout your time in this role.
- You will have the opportunity to network with like-minded ENT trainees and consultants.
How do I apply?
The applications for UK Representatives at SFO are currently open. The deadline for submission is December 15, 2023.
Please read the job descriptions (below) before applying. Ensure your application indicates clearly which post type you are applying for.
- Click the button below and complete the form to apply.
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