(Formerly the Medical Student & Junior Doctor Group)
- To raise the awareness of ENT as a career among medical students
- To provide advice to medical students and foundation doctors regarding careers in ENT
- To facilitate education in ENT amongst medical students
- To provide appropriate content, and maintain such content, for the SFO section of the ENTUK website
- To produce written guidance regarding the content of undergraduate training in ENT for use by the GMC and Medical Schools both in the UK and if requested abroad
- To give advice to any curriculum making organisation as to content, breadth and depth of knowledge – this would not just include the SAC in Otolaryngology but other examples may include Royal Colleges of Physicians, Paediatrics, Surgery and General Practice
- To give advice on assessment processes used on trainees at any level including undergraduate level
- To provide advice on the recruitment processes of trainees
- To provide a representative to the Education and Training Committee
- To provide an annual report on the activities of the SFO
The SFO committee is accountable and shall report on a regular basis to the ENT-UK Executive.
The Chairman, who will not necessarily be a Member of Council, shall be a member of ENT-UK and shall be appointed by the Executive Committee to serve for a term of three years.
The SFO committee should comprise a minimum of 9 members, selected by formal application on merit from the membership of ENT-UK. Members would normally serve for three years. Where possible the committee should have members as listed below:
- Chairman (Consultant)
- ETC Chair (Consultant)
- SFO network lead
- 2 medical student members
- 2 foundation doctor members
- 2 specialist registrars
The members are responsible for the following areas and leads for each area should be allocated:
- Web maintenance (Consultant led)
- Marketing and careers fairs
- Curriculum
- Education
- Foundation course
The Committee shall have the power to co-opt members to assist its work
Office support:
The Committee shall be serviced by the administrative staff of ENT UK
Timing of Meetings:
Bi-annual meetings will be organised by the SFO chairman, normally timed to link with other meetings of ENT UK with which members might be involved. At least 5 members need to be present (whether face to face or via teleconference) for the meeting to be quorate. Other liaison will take place via e-correspondence and telephone conferences.