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BRS Educational Grant

The BRS would like to invite its junior members to apply for an educational grant to attend one of the following conferences:
  • IFOS Dubai (17-21 January 2023)
  • BACO International 2023 (15-17 February 2023)
Each awarded grant has a value up to £1,000 to support attendance to one of the above events. The award may be utilised for conference fees, travel and/or subsistence; but will not exceed the value of £1,000. These grants are open to all BRS Junior members. To be eligible, the applicant must have submitted abstracts for either oral or poster presentations to one of the above conferences. 
To apply, please submit a two-page CV supported with a personal statement (maximum 100 words) and proof of submitted abstract to by the closing date (12pm 30th November 2022). Grant applications by junior members are restricted to one conference of choice only. The awards will be announced from the week beginning 19th December 2022. The awarded grant monies will be reimbursed after the respective conference upon receipt of appropriate claims submission.

BRS Research Grant

CLOSES midday on 24 February 2023

The BRS is able to offer members funding towards research projects by way of a pump-priming grant. Grants are available on an annual basis and will be up to the value of £3,000. As the BRS is a recognised partner of the NIHR, the successful research project will be automatically considered for inclusion on the NIHR National Portfolio when the ethics and R&D submission process is initiated.

The BRS research group headed by Mr Neil Tan will consider application forms, and the successful applicant(s) will be invited to present their research proposal at the BRS meeting in Winchester in May. This year we will be re-introducing the 'Dragons Den' session to decide the eventual recipient, building on the success of the session in previous years.

More details will be available soon.


BRS Fellowship

CLOSES 30th June 2023

The BRS offers a travelling fellowship scheme to help fund a trainee to pursue academic activity anywhere in the world. The award is open to any Society member who is a trainee or a consultant within 2 years of qualification and has an interest in rhinology. There is an award of up to £1500 available and this award may be combined with other awards where applicable.


1. The choice of candidate for the fellowship is at the discretion of the British Rhinological Society Executive Council after consideration of all applications.

2. The fellowship award can be used to pursue an academic activity anywhere in the world (subject to the receipt of confirmation from the department to be visited or evidence of the meetings to be attended).

5. Applicants must submit by 30th June a comprehensive statement of the cost and purpose of their request to the BRS secretary at Ordinarily the application must be made in advance of the fellowship being taken and should be for a fellowship being undertaken that year.

6. On completion of the fellowship, a report must be submitted to the British Rhinological Society and the candidate will be expected to give a short presentation at the next Annual Meeting.


More details will be available soon.