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Clinical Guidelines


5th Edition Head and Neck Cancer: Multidisciplinary Guidelines

Published: 2016

This is the 5th edition of the UK Multi-Disciplinary Guidelines for Head and Neck Cancer, endorsed by seven national specialty associations involved in head and neck cancer care. Our aim is to provide a document can be used as a ready reference for multidisciplinary teams and a concise easy read for trainees. All evidence based recommendations in this edition are indicated by ‘(R)’ and where the multidisciplinary team of authors consider a recommendation to be based on clinical experience, it is denoted by ‘(G)’ as a good practice point.

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4th Edition Head and Neck Cancer: Multidisciplinary Management Guidelines

Published: 2012

There is no doubt that this concise and comprehensive document is a triumph of collaboration by experts from all disciplines working in Head and Neck Oncology. Its production is part of an ongoing process. It builds on the earlier consensus documents and will be the handbook for Multidisciplinary Teams until such time as it too needs revision. The editors and contributors are to be congratulated for producing such a valuable document. It will prove to be essential reading and a key reference document for all those working in this field and will provide a benchmark for high quality care.

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Click on the titles below to download the papers.

Management of metastatic neck disease – summary of the 11th Evidence Based Management Day
Published: 2014

Role of dietetics, psychology, dentistry and physiotherapy in head and neck cancer treatment: the evidence
Published:​ 2013

Consensus statement by otolaryngologists on the diagnosis and management of benign parotid disease
Published:​ 2012

Consensus statement by otorhinolaryngologists and pathologists on the diagnosis and management of laryngeal dysplasia
Published:​ 2010

Consensus statement on management in the UK: Transoral laser assisted microsurgical resection of early glottic cancer
Published: 2009

Management of laryngeal dysplasia in the United Kingdom:a web-based questionnaire survey of current practice
Published: 2009