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YCOHNS - Young Consultants in Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery


The group calling itself the ‘Young Consultants in Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery’ (YCOHNS) was established over 30 years ago by a group of young ENT Consultants including Tony Narula, Alan Johnson and others who all went on to become highly influential members of ENT in the UK. The basic premise was that the group wanted to establish a voice for the younger generation of consultants so that decision making made at a national level could include their views and wishes.

Initially, meetings were held yearly and were informal events where families were invited and discussions were conducted over dinner and drinks to better ENT practice for younger consultants. The meetings were very popular and grew as the years progressed. The venues for the meetings were often in hotels so that families could stay over and included places like The Belfry….

As the years progressed many of the discussions changed but there have been a number of recurring themes that all new ENT consultants.

If you have been a past member of YCOHNS and have any stories or memories of YCOHNS from previous years that you would like to share then please let us know and we can add them to the website!


The YCOHNS Relaunch Event will be taking place on Friday 10th November 2023 in Birmingham. 

Venue: The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 85-89 Colmore Row, Birmingham, B3 2BB

The day will include talks from exceptional speakers on topics ranging from job planning, education, leadership, and management, to getting started in private practice and innovation. It promises to be a fantastic event and essential for ENT consultants five years beyond appointment, senior trainees and post-CCT Fellows. 

There will also be a networking evening, including a drinks reception and dinner, the evening before on Thursday 9th November. This will take place at The Cube, Birmingham, from 6pm.

Click here for more information and to book your place!

YCOHNS Going Forward

Within the last year​

New ENT consultants included anyone from newly appointed to 10 years from appointment previously. To make the discussions more relevant to new appointees we have decided to narrow this down to ENT consultants 5 years beyond appointment or trainees 6 months from their CCT. This will therefore include anyone who is an ENT UK member on a post-CCT fellowship as well.