When will registration open for BACO International 2026?
Early-bird registration is due to open at the beginning of December 2025, and will remain open until late February 2026. Standard registration will then open. We recommend booking your ticket during the early bird phase to benefit from the reduced ticket prices.
When will oral presentation submissions open?
Oral presentation submissions will open at the beginning of July 2025 and will remain open until late February 2026. We will ensure that those who are accepted for either a poster or oral presentation (or both) will be able to register for the conference at the early bird price. We will also be opening submissions for Instructional Sessions around the same time.
Do I need to register for the conference if I am presenting an oral or poster presentation?
Yes, all oral and poster presenters will need to register for the conference in the usual manner.
Can I attend BACO 2026 remotely?
We will not be an option to attend the conference remotely, however, we do encourage speakers to present remotely if they see fit.
Where can I find the post-event session recordings from BACO 2023?
All educational sessions were recorded at BACO International 2023 and have been made available to all delegates who attended the conference free of charge. All 175 sessions are now available for delegates to view through their ENT UK member account.
Please follow the below guide to access these recordings:
Go to your members area, and look for an icon that looks like the one below:

Click on the 'Historcal Event Videos' button, or follow this link: https://www.entuk.org/members/events/videos and you should be able to see the BACO pages for each day you booked for. If you have any issues with this, please contact us at: baco@entuk.org