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Gender Neutral Vaccination for HPV

ENT surgeons in the UK are treating an ever increasing number of unfortunate patients diagnosed with oropharyngeal squamous carcinoma (tonsil/throat in particular). These patients need a combination of modalities, including surgery and radiation therapy, to treat this unpleasant disease. Treatment of oropharyngeal squamous cancer is an expensive business. The cause of the increase in affected patients is HPV infection. There is a steady increase in affected patients year on year.

The council of ENT UK have reviewed and debated the evidence relating to HPV infection in males. 

We welcome female HPV vaccination. Men can contract HPV infection by both heterosexual and homosexual relations.  All men are at significant risk of cancer of the mouth and throat (Oropharynx) via sexual transmission of HPV. Men may be infected by male-to-male sexual activity but also through heterosexual transmission either while abroad or from UK females who have not themselves been vaccinated (e.g. immigrant females).

This terrible disease can be almost totally prevented by use of the Quadrivalent vaccine currently available.

It is the unanimous advice of the Council of ENT UK (representative of ENT surgeons throughout the British Isles) that HPV vaccination in the UK should be offered to both boys and girls.

Professor Antony Narula
President ENT UK
Signed on behalf of ENT UK Council