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BSFPS vacancies for Secretary, Treasurer and Regional Reps

The British Society of Facial Plastic Surgery is inviting expressions of interest in the upcoming Council vacancies of Secretary and Treasurer, and for several Regional Representative posts – one each for Wales, Yorkshire and Northern Ireland, and two for Scotland.
BSFPS Secretary
The General Secretary serves for a three-year term and can be re-elected for another term. The Secretary is responsible for maintaining minutes of the Annual General Meetings and Council meetings. The incumbent is responsible for giving notices and maintaining the reports of such meetings, and performs other duties as assigned by the President. The start date for Secretary is 1 January 2023.
BSFPS Treasurer
The Treasurer serves for a three-year term and can be re-elected for another term. The Treasurer communicates with the Administration to oversee funds and assets. He or she is responsible for submitting an annual financial report to the Annual General Meeting. The start date for Treasurer is 1 January 2023.
Regional Representatives
Regional Representatives serve for a three-year term and can be re-elected for another term. They are responsible for promoting facial plastic surgery throughout their region and coordinating various educational meetings and activities with the council. Regional Representative posts are available for Wales, Yorkshire, Northern Ireland and two for Scotland. These posts will start immediately upon appointment
To apply for these roles, please send an expression of interest (of no more than 500 words) to by Monday 21 November.