Graham Fraser Foundation Memorial Fellowship 2025
23 October 2023
The Trustees of the Graham Fraser Foundation invite applications from ENT Specialty Registrars on recognised UK or Republic of Ireland training programmes for a Fellowship in Otology and Cochlear Implants part-funded by MED-EL UK Ltd. Applicants must have passed the Intercollegiate FRCS by the time the Fellowship commences but may be pre- or post-CCT.
The Fellowship is tenable for six months commencing in January 2025 with the option of an extension for a further six months. The successful applicant will work with Professor Catherine Birman in the University of Sydney, Australia and Department members of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Children’s Hospital at Westmead and NextSense Cochlear Implant Program.
This Fellowship offers the opportunity to be involved in specialist otology units with advanced otology and excellent experience in cochlear implants and other hearing implants. In addition to developing operative techniques in cochlear implants, otology and hearing implantation, the Fellowship offers opportunities for participating in otological research, a specialised balance clinic, endoscopic ear surgery, paediatric otolaryngology and skull-base surgery.
Applicants should submit by post or email a 300-word abstract indicating their interest in the subject together with curriculum vitae, log book and the names of two referees to:
The Graham Fraser Foundation
c/o Dr P Fraser
7 Somerset Gardens
London N6 5EQ
Tel: 020 8340 1266
Closing date for applications: Tuesday 2 January 2024
Interview date and place: Monday 4 March 2024 at the Royal College of Surgeons of England in London
Please note: Interviews for the TWJ Foundation and the Graham Fraser Foundation will be held jointly
and candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for both Foundations’ Fellowships