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Vacancy: Lead for ENT UK Emergency Surgical Skills Course (ESS)

The exciting opportunity to become the ENT UK Lead for the ESS course has become available.

The one-day ESS course is an ENT UK members benefit and provides consultants and senior SAS doctors with the opportunity to refresh the knowledge, decision making, and practical skills required to safely manage adult ENT on-call emergencies. Case-based lectures and group discussion are combined with fresh frozen human cadaveric dissection and cover a wide range of common emergencies and operations, from quick and safe surgical airways to the intracranial complications of sinusitis.

The ESS course was set up in response to growing concerns about de-skilling. The continuing move towards sub-specialisation in ENT may be beneficial in terms of developing and delivering complex surgery, but it also introduces the potential for reduced exposure in other areas. These general, emergency-safe skills are often called upon during on-call shifts when access to sub-specialist advice and support may be limited. GMC good medical practice explicitly requires doctors to “be competent and keep your professional knowledge and skills up to date.” With increasing focus on appraisal and revalidation, the ENT UK adult ESS course aims to ensure that competence and confidence in managing common adult ENT emergencies is maintained.

We are looking for someone who is enthusiastic, with good organisational skills and with access to a cadaveric dissection lab.  The successful candidate will be supported by the ENT UK Director of Education and will be a member of the ENT UK Education and Training Committee.  Please provide a 250-word statement outlining your suitability for this role and send to Janet Stephen, Education & Governance Officer email:

The appointment will be initially for 3 years.

For further information please contact Wendy Smith ENT UK Director of Education via