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Membership Communications

As a member of ENT UK, you have the privilege to vote for elections, apply for different roles and avail other opportunities. All these benefits are communicated via email, so it is crucial to ensure that you receive our membership communications by verifying that your email contact preference is set to "Yes".

To change this setting, please follow the steps below:

  1. Visit your ENT UK profile page
  2. Scroll down to the "Your Data and Contact Preferences" section.
  3. Set "Contact by email" to "Yes". This will enable you to receive emails sent from the CRM, such as invitations to vote for an election.
  4. Tick the mailing list box below to receive the ENT UK newsletter and other important communications and reminders.

Please refer to the screenshot below for visual guidance.

If you have any questions or find you still are not receiving our emails, please don’t hesitate to contact the ENT UK team