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Congratulations to our new robotics leads!

We are delighted to announce the co leads of Robotics for ENT UK. Jenny Montgomery (Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow) and Nashreen Oozeer (Sunderland Royal hospital) have experience in setting up and running robotic surgery programmes and lay out their plans for robotic surgery within ENT UK below: 

We took some time to take stock of the current picture of the UK robotics programme, have spoken to many of you informally and we have made a start on a number of projects. This is a big responsibility, and we want to share our vision with you and work with you to achieve our goals.

(1)    British Association of Robotic Head and Neck Surgeons BARHNS

This network, which brings together all UK trans-oral robotic surgeons registered within ENTUK under the H&N section, was set up by Professor Paleri in 2018. All ENTUK and BANHNO members who are trans-oral robotic surgeons will be welcome, with details to follow shortly

(2)    INTEGRATE snapshot audit

The ENT national research collaborative INTEGRATE is working on a protocol to collect a snapshot audit of robot-assisted surgery in H&N within the UK. We aim to run this over a 6-month period. This snapshot will give us a clearer picture of the expertise offered within the UK.

For further information and contact details at

(3)    UK TORS database

Professors Emma King and Vin Paleri set up this database pre-COVID, using data points similar to large international robotics datasets. It is currently being updated, and if you are interested in helping shape it, please contact Emma at

This database will also be used in the upcoming INTEGRATE prospective observational study.

We would like to encourage all UK Robotic centres to register and upload data prospectively on this database. The updated version should be live by January 2025. Please register your interest in uploading data with Emma King.

(4)    Robotics meetings

We aim to reinstate the ENTUK Robotics meetings in collaboration with BAHNO. These meetings were originally run before COVID-19. With discussions pending, we should be in a position to run them by 2026.

(5)    Robotics page on the ENTUK website

We are in discussion regarding a robotics page under the auspices of the H&N section of ENTUK website which members and trainee members can access. The webpage would host various resources on robotics, such as technical videos of TORS, RCSEd webinar links, upcoming robotics courses, difficult case discussions and a list of TORS surgeons in the UK (with appropriate permissions.) 

This is the start of a big project. It will take some time to set up all the above projects. We value your support and if anyone wants to get involved, please get in touch. As always, if there is any constructive feedback or anything you feel we have missed, do email us at