An update from the Patient Information Team
31 October 2024
This year has been busy for the Patient Information Leaflets. Between 2023 and 2024, we have published 21 patient information e-leaflets on the ENT UK website, with still more in development.
We have made progress in updating our processes to align with the Patient Information Forum (PIF) TICK assessment criteria, and we expect to go through the certification assessment soon. Being PIF TICK certified will give further credibility to our patient leaflets and demonstrate that we follow best practices in ensuring clinical accuracy and accessibility in our resources.
To encourage more feedback from users, we have now introduced a survey feature for all e-leaflets on the website, allowing us to gather a broader range of feedback- if you or any of your patients have used the leaflets, we highly encourage you to use this feature to leave us feedback to help us improve the quality of new and existing resources.
Additionally, the first in our series of Easy-Read leaflets focusing on adenoidectomy has been published in collaboration with the Down’s Syndrome Association (DSA). We continue working with them to create Easy-Read versions of other common ENT conditions and procedures, including tonsillectomy, otitis media, and grommet insertion. All of these will be freely accessible to anyone through the new Easy-Read section on the Patient Information web page.
We are excited to continue expanding the information leaflets in the coming year, including potentially developing information in new formats, such as short video series.
If you have any feedback or ideas you would like to share with the team, please get in touch at
-The Patient Information Team