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News Archive: August 2017

New NICE quality standard for Head and Neck cancer

22 August 2017

The National Institute for Health Care and Excellence published a new quality standard earlier this year looking at assessing, diagnosing and managing head and neck cancer. ENT UK was part of the consultation process for this quality standard...

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Remembering Charles Wickham-Jones

17 August 2017

Charles Wickham-Jones, who was a founder and passionate supporter of the TWJ Foundation, has died in Oxford at the age of eighty-nine. In 1974, working with Patrick Jobson and David Wright, he helped to launch the foundation, established by his...

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Channel 4's 'The Island with Bear Grylls' are looking for Doctors!

09 August 2017

Have you ever wanted to appear on 'The Island with Bear Grylls?' Now is your chance Shine TV, makers of the popular television programme 'The Island with Bear Grylls' are looking for people to participate in the upcoming...

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