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News Archive: January 2018

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) has secured tax relief for the Specialty Fellowship Examinations (FRCS)

12 January 2018

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) announced on Thursday 4th January 2018 that it had reached an agreement with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) for trainees in the ten surgical specialties to claim tax relief on the examination fee for...

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The 2018 Clinical Excellence Awards round will open on Tuesday 13th February 2018

09 January 2018

ENT UK has been informed that the 2018 Clinical Excellence Awards round will open on Tuesday 13th February 2018. Individual emails will be sent to members informing them of the final date for submission if they require a citation from ENT...

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Mr Shyam Singam is now the Chair of the Specialty & Associate Specialist (SAS) Committee

08 January 2018

ENT UK is delighted to announce that Mr Shyam Singam is now Chair of the Specialty & Associate Specialist (SAS) Committee. Mr Singam was appointed to the role in December 2017 and will remain in place for three years. Mr Singam is an Associate...

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