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News Archive: March 2020

PPE for nasal endoscope decontamination during the COVID-19 pandemic

27 March 2020

ENT UK’s position on this is that endoscopy is generally done with the assistance of a nurse or HCA.  It is important that assisting personnel should also be fully protected during the procedure and PPE should mirror that of the ENT specialist...

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Experiences of a Paediatric Otolaryngologist: navigating the current challenges

26 March 2020

Rohit Verma, of Sheffield Children’s Hospital, notes the following practical observations, which may help surgeons navigate some of the challenges currently affecting them in operating theatres. There is currently a lot of confusion from theatre...

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PPE for the Covid-19 Pandemic Survey

26 March 2020

Earlier this week we invited you to share your views with us on the availability of PPE around the country. It is important that we have as large a response as possible, to get the clearest picture we can of what ENT health professionals are...

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Guidance for undertaking otological procedures during COVID-19 pandemic

25 March 2020

The following provides guidance for clinicians involved in the care of patients with otological disease in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic. The situation is rapidly evolving and guidance may change over time.   Mastoid...

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FFP3 respirator usage: current ENT UK recommendations

25 March 2020

To preserve FFP3 respirators/filters, ENT UK recommends that, in the clinic and on ward rounds, one senior doctor wears one respirator for the session for all clinical examination and AGPs, while a second doctor takes all histories and makes notes...

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ENTUK Guidelines for changes in ENT during COVID-19 Pandemic

20 March 2020

Guidance based on experience in New Territories Eastern Cluster NTEC = New Territories hospital cluster, Hong Kong. Effectiveness of N95 respirators versus surgical masks against influenza: A systematic review and meta-analysis. 2020.  Long et...

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Tracheostomy guidance during the COVID-19 Pandemic

19 March 2020

Guidance for Surgical Tracheostomy and Tracheostomy Tube Change during the COVID-19 Pandemic   Chief Contributors: Ms. Laura Harrison, Oxford ST with support from Mr James Ramsden, Consultant ENT Surgeon Other consultant contribution: Mr...

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ENT UK response to COVID 19 and BACO 2020

16 March 2020

To all of our members: I hope this message finds you well. I am sure everybody is following developments around the spread of COVID-19 very closely, and is aware of the challenges the situation is likely to pose to medical professionals and the...

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Guidance for ENT during the COVID-19 pandemic

16 March 2020

The information contained in this document is subject to change in the light on ongoing developments and advice emanating from the Department of Health and others, and is intended to complement rather than replace existing advice.   As doctors...

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