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E-learning (e-lefENT)

e-lefENT, ENT UK’s e-learning programme is an interactive and engaging web-based learning resource for Otolaryngologists to enhance traditional learning and provide a valuable reference point. It allows members of ENT UK to learn about the speciality by accessing material relevant to their respective fields.

There are high-quality evidence-based instructional modules within the learning zone, radiology and clinical images, video cases and comprehensive subject summaries which help users learn and retain knowledge.

The interactive modules completed by users will be awarded one CPD point by ENT UK.

e-lefENT provides the user with a blended learning strategy within a virtual clinical setting.

e-lefENT is free to access for all ENT UK members, to log in to the platform, please make sure you are logged in here on the ENT UK website first and then click the button below.

Enter the e-lefENT site


Please note: if you're not an ENT UK member but have e-lefENT access only you'll need to visit click on LOG IN and then on E-lefent log in.