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17 December 2024
Global Health
Laryngology and Head and Neck
The Global ENT Guidelines have been prepared as a joint project between ENT UK (Global Health Committee) and Global OHNS.
The aim of these guidelines is to provide a free resource, readily accessible, for anyone providing ENT care in...
6 December 2024
To address the mounting pressures ENT outpatient clinics face across the UK, ENT UK has produced a comprehensive set of guidelines aimed at enhancing service efficiency while ensuring patient safety. The guidelines respond to an increasingly complex...
30 November 2024
The importance of environmentally sustainable practice in healthcare is increasingly recognised, with the UK General Medical Council advising doctors to “Choose sustainable solutions when you’re able to, provided these don’t compromise care...
30 November 2024
The importance of environmentally sustainable practice in healthcare is increasingly recognised, with the UK General Medical Council advising doctors to “Choose sustainable solutions when you’re able to, provided these don’t compromise care...
30 November 2024
The importance of environmentally sustainable practice in healthcare is increasingly recognised, with the UK General Medical Council advising doctors to “Choose sustainable solutions when you’re able to, provided these don’t compromise care...
8 November 2024
BSO - The British Society of Otology
The BSO have developed some guidance on microsuction of the ear. It provides a summary of the indications and risks of the procedure and makes recommendations about who should be carrying out microsuction and where it should be performed as well...
8 April 2024
Global Health
Laryngology and Head and Neck
The Global ENT Guidelines have been prepared as a joint project between ENT UK (Global Health Committee) and Global OHNS.
The aim of these guidelines is to provide a free resource, readily accessible, for anyone providing ENT care in...
8 April 2024
Global Health
The Global ENT Guidelines have been prepared as a joint project between ENT UK (Global Health Committee) and Global OHNS.
The aim of these guidelines is to provide a free resource, readily accessible, for anyone providing ENT care in...
18 March 2024
BRS - British Rhinological Society
BSFPS - British Society of Facial Plastic Surgery
Rhinology and Facial Plastics
Cocaine has always been known to adversely affect the nose, often resulting in perforations of the nasal septum. However, over the last couple of decades, patients with known cocaine abuse have presented with severe nasal deformities and associated tissue loss affecting the nose, face and palate. This is now recognised as a drug-induced vasculitis that has several characteristics and similarities to granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA). The condition was initially sporadic but is becoming much more common. The attached guidelines, jointly written by BRS, BSFPS and ENT UK, offer information to ENT surgeons and other interested healthcare professionals who are unfamiliar with the condition but also offer some guidance on terminology and clinical management.
Andrew Swift and Peter Andrews
19 February 2024
Traditionally adenotonsillectomy surgery in children has been viewed as requiring at least an overnight stay post operatively. This was to monitor for bleeding and airway issues and to ensure adequate pain relief was achieved with a return to normal eating and drinking. However, numerous studies have been published showing that day-case tonsillectomy is safe and effective for the majority of children with minimal co-morbidities, even those with obstructed sleep disordered breathing. It is desirable with regards the utilisation of resources, cost and the preference of most families. It will also facilitate more timely access to surgical treatment.