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SFO E-book

20 January 2022

The Official Handbook for Medical students and Junior Doctors

ENT makes up a significant part of the clinical practice of general practitioners, paediatricians and emergency doctors although exposure to the specialty is often limited during undergraduate training.

This “E-book” has been written to provide a practical guide to the day-to-day management of common ENT conditions and will be helpful to medical students and junior doctors as well as other clinicians that have exposure to ENT as part of their practice. It has been developed by the Students and Foundation Doctors in Otolaryngology group (SFO UK), which is part of ENTUK. The group aims to provide support for undergraduates in medicine and junior doctors with an interest in ENT. The content is based on a Delphi study that set out what the most important topics should be in an undergraduate ENT curriculum taking in to consideration guidance published in Tomorrow’s Doctors by the General Medical Council guidance.

Congratulations to the authors and to my colleagues on the SFO UK committee for delivering an excellent and novel educational resource. A number of individuals have been instrumental in producing this E-book from conception to production. These include Alex Yao, Michaella Cameron, Charlotte McIntyre, John Lee Allen and Mamoona Khalid-Raja. I also wish to particularly thank the section editors Andrew Robson, Dheeraj Karamchandani, Roland Hettige, Eamon Shamil, Nimesh Patel & Irfan Syed as well as James Tysome & Victoria Ward (Elf-ENT) for allowing us to use many of their images.


Mr Jayesh Doshi
Consultant Otolaryngologist
Chairman of SFO UK committee (2018)



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