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Day Case Paediatric Adenotonsillectomy Consensus Guidelines

19 February 2024

In 2023 the British Association for Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology (BAPO) formed a working group with several organisations, including ENT UK, to produce consensus guidelines for hospital units undertaking adenotonsillectomy in children. This was to support them in achieving the 70% target for day case surgery as recommended by the NHS England Getting in Right First Time Programme (GIRFT).

Traditionally adenotonsillectomy surgery in children has been viewed as requiring at least an overnight stay post operatively. This was to monitor for bleeding and airway issues and to ensure adequate pain relief was achieved with a return to normal eating and drinking. However, numerous studies have been published showing that same day discharge is safe for the majority and is actually preferred by families. In the current climate there are also cost implications both to the NHS and to patients linked to a prolonged hospital stay. Day case surgery should allow more children to be treated in a timely fashion to help address the backlog for elective procedures which has arisen post COVID.


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